As 2009 draws to a close, it was only right that taking a look back at Erros' oeuvre the past 12 months is an organized fashion. Undeniably, this year proved to be the most exciting year for him. With back to back successes in both neoteric collections ( errosdarkcollection and errosMLWG2collection), he showed once and for all that he rightfully belongs to a crop of forward-thinking designers that are reinvigorating the runways of today. Armed with quirky style, he kept us on the side by staying true to the formula that won him countless approval. Theatricality is the name of Erros' game... bejeweled bib and tucker to gobsmacking gowns created from feathers noticeably inspired by some "just dance" diva.... his fondness of sending models out onto the runways in underwear and not much else can be utterly ghastly and grotesque... but his grand gestures are backed up by incredible attention to detail which won him praises from fashion fretters and pundits launching his name into global blogosphere.