Writers have words, artists canvas, Erros used tailor's chalk and his complex thoughts and emotions to communicate his view of the world. Art would would probably be too strong a word, but a peek at what peculiarly inspired him to come up with an arresting concept may give us a clue as to what triggers an unconscious burst of creativity on his part to engender a work of such indelible impression.
Without a doubt, both salaciously hot ( 'alchemy' and 'dark' ) collections have been inspirited by R. de Chazal's erotic series of alchemy calendars. Perhaps this ephemeral artist's demeanor heedlessly imbued a volatile seductive temperament on him, erogenous but never crass or vulgar.
Erros' aesthetic evolved into a sophisticated not always conventional vision of beauty. With his 'luna' collection, the crossover diva in Sarah Brightman's persona brought about a muse to look to for fashion inspiration. Her crystalline soprano voice and groundbreaking performances worldwide animatedly sparked him to create designs of contrasting elements - fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, fluidity and severity. Down right femininity, but not a version to which any previous era had access.