This is it folks! The most awaited event of the season finally unfolds before your very eyes this friday, the 1st day of October, at QC's famed Bliss ultraclub. After countless 'go sees', multitudinous nerve-racking fittings, and heart-rending photo shoots, Erros is finally at beck and call, fully armed and battle-ready to present his latest and most ambitious collection to the fashion world. “ Its like giving birth to a breached baby,” he confessed, “ this current design venture of mine, is the most tumultuous, full of theatrics and laden with endless, hooked up intrigues.As noted fashion columnist P. McMurray once wrote “ It's not easy for budding fashion designers to get a good start from the blocks. With so much talent around you have to run many laps, jump hurdles and take the odd tumble, hitting the finish line. Then you have to start the race all over again, every season. And just as you've made a little head way someone wants to conscript your inspiration.” Quite a few seasoned designers whom he met in preparation for this event put in two cents worth on what should be done about a situation or a problem which he admittedly and effectively brought into play as the situation arose. Undaunted in spite of a recurrent opinion among critics that his creations dangerously threads a fine line between legit avant-garde and sexually explicit accoutrements, Erros remains steadfast and sanguinely optimistic this collection will intrepidly stand on its own
from its conceptual origins to its technical specifications. Certainly, his sincerity and clarity of purpose is evident in everything he accomplishes. Whatever is the outcome, he still remains a pure asset to the fledgling fashion industry, an innate talent whose vibrant approach to his design reflects his boundless energies and immense creative imagination.