Sunday, December 9, 2012
Last week, the New York Times reported unsettling happenings around the globe amid instances of mass hysteria due to the 2012 Mayan 'end of the world prophecy' - citizens in a town east of Moscow frenzied to stockpile necessities in preparation for the end of the world. One source cited that there “are no candles left in Omutninsk.” A prison near China was also brought under a spell of collective hysteria. The warden had to bring in clergy to try and restore order. Citizens in a city of a southeast African continent flock to nearest house of worship chanting 'hail to the return of the king.' The Asheville Jung Center tries to analyzes the Doomsday Prediction. “ People are looking for clues that can help decipher the meaning and implications of the Mayan prophecies. The impression that the world may come to some cataclysmic end is deeply etched into the human psyche and appears as a recurring motif.” From a Mayan elders Antonio Aj Ik and Taino Miguel Sague - “ The accurate content of the message for the Maya Prophecy for our times is that the date of December 21, 2012 is nothing more than a general marker , a specific date that in fact indicates a whole era, an era of hope, an era of opportunity – the opportunity to re-establish a sense of community amongst all humans of this planet.”( Talk about the end of the world, apropos the imminent threat and cataclysmic foreboding of another Armageddon and his current collection which heinously dwelt on the deprecatory consequence of war coupled with an execrable timing( 12.21.12 opener), Erros answered back when queried: “ December 21, 2012 marks the shifting of World Ages, a return to zero point, where we officially transition from the current 5,125 year World Age Cycle; a new level of human evolution in concert with our living Universe. My “Legends” collection, although it speaks about unrelenting strife, and of onslaught bloodshed and hostilities, actually like the Mayan calendar ,marks the completion of a vast cycle and the dawning of a New World Age on planet Earth transforming all the far-reaching crisis and imbalances we disputably face as a thriving global society.” ...Whatever inspired this young designer to pro actively create beauty out of war remains to be validated and justified in time... Perhaps we could derive bounteous wisdom in the words of Edmund Burke- on his most famous quote of how to deal with the evils (of war) in what they call the most noted political quote on the World Wide Web: “ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.....”
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************>>> THIS IS IT GUYS >> THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ..and THE DAWN OF SINISTERLY EXCITING THINGS TO COME>>> ERROS'LEGENDS'COLLECTION:THE BATTLEGROUND ~ the first of its kind ~ a ground breaking "COSPLAY" RUNWAY EVENT featuring ERROS' latest haute
-couture costume collection concocted in a never before seen LIVE theatrical runway exposition>> WHEN? = 12.21.12..WHERE?= BUDDHAKAN BAR,2nd level Coronet Bldg.along Aurora Blvd.,Cubao, Quezon City( above Jolibee Aurora fronting Isetann Cubao) starts not earlier than tickets pegged @ Php200 available now at the bar..
Sunday, November 4, 2012
“ Hell has no wrath like a woman scorned!” ~ a notable quote which sounds Shakespearean but actually comes from a play called the "The Mourning Bride" written in 1697 by William Congreve. The complete quote is "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned," which simply means that if you hurt a woman mad expect nothing less than burning hell in return. Erros certainly pays substantial respect to a woman's pusillanimous fury when he envisioned the character of Eris, the goddess or spirit of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. She was often represented specifically as the daemon of the strife of war, who haunted the battlefield and delighted in human bloodshed. A sister and companion of murderous Ares, the god of war, is more generally known for the less deadly forms of conflict; political strife, personal contention, rivalry and wrangling but the potential for evoking her deadly nature is ever present. The classic fairy tail story Sleeping Beauty is partly inspired by Eris's role in the wedding of Peleus and Thetis Like Eris, a malevolent fairy curses a princess after failing to be invited to the princess' christening. Because of Eris' disagreeable nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding. Slighted by the exclusion, she tossed into the party the Golden Apple of Discord with inscription “ 'For the most beautiful One” inciting the Goddesses( Hera, Athena and Aphrodite) to begin quarreling about the appropriate recipient. The hapless Paris, Prince of Troy, was appointed to select the fairest by Zeus. The goddesses stripped naked to try to win Paris' decision, and also attempted to bribe him. Hera offered political power; Athena promised skill in battle; and Aphrodite tempted him with the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. Paris chose to award the apple to Aphrodite, thereby dooming his city, which was destroyed in the war that ensued. (;;
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Aristotle, the great philosopher once said, “ We make war that we may live in peace.” Is it true, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it? When one is a part of an actuality does the imagination find a release?.. Erros' battle ready 'LEGENDS' must have these things in their innermost desires and convictions as Olympus' integrity has never been this challenged so far.
“The Oracle may have yet spoken truth.The Marked Warrior shall bring about the destruction of Oympus. Ares chose poorly that day. He took your brother when it should have been you. None of that matters now. Nothing you do is of your own choosing.” ~ Thanatos...
In Greek Mythology, Thánatos, was the daemon personification of death. He was a minor figure in Greek mythology, often referred to but rarely appearing in person. Thanatos was regarded as merciless and indiscriminate, hated by—and hateful towards—mortals and the deathless gods. But in myths which feature him, Thanatos could occasionally be outwitted, a feat that the sly King Sisyphus of Korinth twice accomplished. When it came time for Sisyphus to die, Zeus ordered Thanatos to chain Sisyphus up in Tartarus. Sisyphus cheated death by tricking Thanatos into his own shackles, thereby prohibiting the demise of any mortal while Thanatos was so enchained. (
In God of War: Ghost of Sparta, Thanatos was an ancient God, who predates the times of Olympus. He took Deimos, who was believed to be the Marked Warrior, a prophesied being who was told to destroy the reign of the Gods, from Ares' hands. Thanatos was the one responsible for imprisoning and torturing him. ( God of War:
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Though Mount Olympus certainly exudes patriarchal power with Zeus hailed as the father of the gods, in this household, a strong feminist control seemed incontestably wielded:
ATHENA ~ Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill. She was the favorite child of Zeus. She had sprung fully grown out of her father's head. Her mother was Metis, goddess of wisdom and Zeus' first wife. In fear that Metis would bear a son mightier than himself. Zeus swallowed her and she began to make a robe and helmet for her daughter. The hammering of the helmet caused Zeus great pain in the form of headaches and he cried out in agony. Skilled Hephaestus ran to his father and split his skull open and from it emerged Athena, fully grown and wearing her mother's robe and helmet. Athena and her uncle Poseidon were both very fond of a certain city in Greece. Both of them claimed the city and it was decided that the one that could give the finest gift should have it. Leading a procession of citizens, the two gods mounted the Acropolis. Poseidon struck the side of the cliff with his trident and a spring welled up. The people marveled, but the water was as salty as Poseidon's sea and it was not very useful. Athena's gift was an olive tree, which was better because it gave the people food, oil and wood. Athena named her city Athens. ( Encyclopedia Mythica™ ). In the God of War series..out of utter hatred and jealousy towards Athena, Ares summoned monsters from the Underworld and attacked the city of Athens to prove his superiority over her to Zeus. Since Zeus had forbidden the gods from battling each other directly, Ares himself led the attack on Athens, thinking that nothing short of a fellow Olympian could hope to stop him. Athena and the other gods sought to empower Kratos to save Athens and put an end to Ares' rampage once and for all. She guides him throughout the game to Pandora's Box. After the death of Ares, she reveals that Kratos is forgiven of his sins, but the gods never agreed to relieve him of his nightmares; no mortal or god could ever forget the terrible things he had done. With all hope lost, Kratos felt abandoned and flung himself from the Suicide Bluffs overlooking the Aegean Sea, believing death was his only escape from his madness. However, Athena saved Kratos from falling to his death.
The gods had not abandoned Kratos at all. Athena gave Kratos the throne of Ares and the title of God of War. She also granted him the Blades of Athena to replace the Blades of Chaos given to him (and taken away) by Ares. (God of War Wiki).
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
With much anticipation and conjecture Erros created after providing his followers a glimpse of his up and coming cosplay runway creations on the social net, gaming aficionados have began to validate which gutty and gritty characters he specifically choose to enliven his fierce and battle ready collection. With such obvious reference to the blockbuster series - “ God of War” and Greek Mythology as his centerpiece inspiration a gave away list eventually emerge. Here's some ponderous trivia and salient erudition gathered from dedicated guidebooks,and lexicon cylopedias about each of these 'Greek myth” characters:
He is the god of fire and the forge. He is the smith and armorer of the gods. He uses a volcano as his forge. He is the patron god of both smiths and weavers. Hephaestus is the son of ZEUS and HERA. Sometimes it is said that Hera alone produced him and that he has no father. He is the only god to be physically ugly. He is also lame. (
Being a great craftsman Hephaestus manufactured wonderful articles from various materials, primarily from metal. With help from the Cyclopes, who were his workmen and assistants, he fashioned the thunderbolts for Zeus and his sceptre. He made weapons and armour for the other gods and heroes. For Athena, he made her shield or aegis and for the god of love, Eros, he made the arrows. The wonderful chariot which the sun god Helios rode across the sky was made by Hephaestus and in some versions it was a golden cup or goblet. He also fashioned the invincible armour of Achilles. (
The Hephaestus appearing in Clash of the titans is bulky, armored, tall and has a younger appearance than that appearing in Wrath of the Titans. In Clash of the Titans Hephaestus is seen along with the other gods on Olympus, while in Wrath of the Titans, Hephaestus states he was casted away and depowered by Zeus many years ago when he sided with Hades, which contradicts his appearance in the 2010 remake. (
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Oniichan, Morrigan Aensland, Felicia Darkstalkers, and Jessica Nigri are few of the many sensuous epicurean characters come-hither cosplayers have fervently been emulating - discretely attesting the existence of a risqué subset cosplay culture centered around sex appeal, with cosplayers specifically choosing characters that are known for their attractiveness and/or revealing costumes. The country's very own celebrity cosplayer and endorser, Alodia Gosiengfiao, herself earned worldwide recognition when she was picked among FHM's world's sexiest women ( #76 and #87 in 2010 and 2009 respectively). The impact of sexual attractiveness inherent in this particular cosplay subculture did not escape Erros' distinctive and discerning eye. His notable works - all proven sellout and critically acclaimed collections are reputably and strikingly risqué in terms of their execution and their attention to details. “ I admit it, people are almost always attractive to anything sexy and flirtatious” he confided, “People consciously or subconsciously enhance their sexual attractiveness or sex appeal to may be attract someone with whom they can form a deeper relationship with, for companionship, procreation or and intimate relationship, besides other possible purposes.” Erros' predilection for anything salacious and lustfully smutty has never been more evident than in his compelling MLWG series of raunchy 'cosplay' collection, which is espied in this much anticipated and soon to be revealed “LEGENDS' collation. He, himself admitted about the inconceivable and out of the ordinary grab and curiosity this particular collection has generated since he teasingly put it in print on the social media. Well,at least for the next few agonizing months of waiting for its eventual completion, we can only speculate amidst enkindled guesstimation, this collection will excel beyond, if not put the lid on the merits of his erstwhile celebrated and illustrious works, of course, a consummate coup only Erros could fashionably pull through.
Friday, June 8, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Disney and Marvel Studio's AVENGERS kicks off summer 2012 in high style not only tyrannizing its opening day's rivals but setting the highest record-shattering movie debut ever, dethroning last summer's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, then the largest bow in history. Soon to follow are titans in their own right ( Dark Night Rises, Prometheus, The Amazing Spider-Man, etc) extolling the audacious exploits of costumed heroes and heroine as they take up the gauntlet and battle their mighty foes and protect the weak and the oppressed in a virtual world. This films especially the ones inspired by comic books and video games among others are rich sources of materials for this type of performance art called Cosplay. As an innovative costume designer, Erros naturally was gravitated towards this fascinating yet enthralling subculture centered around regimental role playing. From the get-go, his collections were conceptualized solely for entertainment purposes (intimate watering hole expositions) and his appurtenances were used to embellish and accentuate frocks for runway shows and print photo shoots. But with the exponential growth in the number of people picking up cosplay as a hobby, and the fortuitous enthusiasm his clients responded to his collections, this budding designer unanticipatedly found himself in the center of assiduities more so for avid cosplayers who enjoy the creative process and the intricate attention to detail he puts to each of their choice costume-apparel and the spellbinding appendages he painstakingly affixed to conceive an aboveboard total look.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Like any other designer, Erros has been always on a look out for that subconscious spark that could eventually trigger an artistic outburst ~ an “ art attack “ (as fondly evoked by a host cartoonist in a famous children syndicated shows on morning television), as an inspiration for his next collection. As an avid fan of collectible trading cards himself, he became increasingly drawn and fascinated to a set of fantasy cards featuring gorgeous women with sensuous 'callipygean' bubble like behinds. Endless research brought him to its creator, Senor Luis Royo, a brilliant masterly Spanish artist, known for his sensual and dark paintings, its apocalyptic imagery, his fantasy worlds and mechanical life forms and whose works have been dominantly featured in books and a wide range of media from Marvel's FFLER ultra x-men to the cover and pin up centerfolds of Penthouse men's magazine. Forthwith, the elegant and stately goddesses and fiery women warriors of Erros' MLWG series took shape and became real ~ parallelized and be in the same class as Royo's apocalyptic and personal world, capable not only of representing fantasy worlds, but also creating a unique but credible story line. Evidently, though still in its early stage of grueling production, the collection brew Erros has been currently stirring certainly bespeaks this Latin artist's privileged position in the international art and the immense contribution he bequeathed to this singular sublime aesthetic domain.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Gender neutral followers of Erros have often wondered why this budding designer has meagerly featured women in his increasing line of collections. Time and again whenever a new collection is presented in print and on the runways, Erros' men seemed to outshine their feminine counter to such an iniquitous degree to perhaps ignite an ire to feminists movement's response to the putatively patriarchal strands in the dominant culture. “ I admit I am a bit partial to hiring male models to showcase my runway collection,” Erros acknowledged when queried, “ maybe due to economic reasons (female models are paid twice if not three times as much as male models) but when you try to scrutinize my creations, most if not all of them are 'ambigender' - either have no gender value, or have some aspects generally attributed to the opposite sex. I guess I am merely echoing what is a current trend in fashion-that which favors the androgynous look and how outward androgyny is widely used as a fashion statement. When a client choose to wear my accoutrement and/or an appurtenance, whether its a man or a woman, that person will feel desirable as what every woman be found wanting whilst self assured and assertive as every man aspires to be.” Certainly, whatever Erros brings into the mix, women who had the pleasure of donning his handiwork admittedly felt empowered and formidably hearty, just as what he exultantly envisioned his present-day cutting-edge heroine would be.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Greek/Roman mythology has exerted an extensive influence on man's culture, the arts, the literature and remains part of our heritage and language. Poets and artists from ancient times to the present have derived inspiration from Greco-Roman mythology and have discovered contemporary significance and relevance in these mythological themes. Arguably, creators of video games who adapted mythology as a backdrop to the development of their heroic characters, refer themselves as modern scholars attempting to explain the origins of the world, the succession of divine rulers, the succession of human ages, the origin of human woes, and the origin of sacrificial practices. Evidently, in the ''God of War” series, they empower the third person camera gamer, to control the character Kratos in a combination of combat, platforming and puzzle game elements as he battles his way through the underworld. “ When I made my MLWG collection,”Erros related, “ I likened myself just like any other video player, to imaginably navigate through a long series of tests, trials and mazes to reach my ultimate goal of creating a cohesive collection faithful to the historical aspirations of ancient Greek/Roman artists yet unmistakably relevant to the modern times.” On the face of it, Erros' MLWG collection, in time, maybe considered an artwork - a purposeful and creative interpretations of limitless concepts or ideas in order to communicate something to another person, as it definitely adheres to the consummate artist's aesthetic sensibilities to draw the audience towards consideration of the finer things and style that is founded on the very basic fundamentals of insight and on the innermost character of things.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Likened to aliens invading our planet, video games originally played half a century ago, have evolved tremendously and multiplied exponentially the past few decades. From such early(1947) interactive electronic devices with various display formats such as a cathode ray tube amusement devices to the advent of “Project Fiona”~ Razer's newest tablet gaming PC, video games have appallingly gone on to become an art form and industry. An avid gamer himself, spanning from those frenetic arcade days atmosphere to the solitary confines of his workroom, Erros undeniably got literally hooked-to-be inspired by the characters he interactively played in his personal foundry. Voraciously gravitated to such fast highly stylized combat such as Dante's confident and fearless attitude in the multi-platinum awarded Devil May Cry series, or to Krato's unrelenting quest for vengeance in the loosely based Greek Mythology God of War Series, he unblushingly devoted a full line of runway collection (the MLWG series) to flagrantly declared his addiction to the game. His flagitious acknowledgment and subsequent artful execution of a masterful collation devoted to this genre reaped more than positive results in terms of stimulating his audience to appreciate and be cognizant of the artistic merit and pulchritude of this domain. Of course for all its worth, he may be unconsciously echoing what Leo Tolstoy think about art as a “vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake and an indirect means to tellingly communicate crafty and shrewd tidings from one person to another.”
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