Wednesday, November 27, 2013
“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” - is a famous saying which means do not trust an opponent who offers to do something nice for you or simply do not trust enemies who bring you presents — they could very well be playing a trick. The origin of the proverb comes from one of the most noted battles of all time ~ The Trojan War which had gone on for 10 years. Since both sides had gods on their sides, and Achilles, the greatest of the Greeks, and Hector, the greatest of the Trojans, were dead, the two sides were pretty evenly matched. One thing the Greeks had that the Trojans lacked was the cunning of an Odysseus. Odysseus devised the idea of a Trojan Horse. When the "Trojan Horse" was left at the gates of Troy, the Trojans thought the Greeks had left it as a pious parting gift because they had given up and sailed home. The Trojans welcomed the gift and took it within their walls, little knowing the belly of the beast was filled with armed soldiers who would soon destroy their city. The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, gave them a golden apple, sometimes known as the Apple of Discord, marked "for the fairest". Zeus sent the goddesses to Paris, who judged that Aphrodite, as the "fairest", should receive the apple. In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women and wife of Menelaus, fall in love with Paris, who took her to Troy. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and the brother of Helen's husband Menelaus, led an expedition of Achaean troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years because of Paris' insult. After the deaths of many heroes, including the Achaeans Achilles and Ajax, and the Trojans Hector and Paris, the city fell to the ruse of the Trojan Horse. The Achaeans slaughtered the Trojans (except for some of the women and children whom they kept or sold as slaves) and desecrated the temples, thus earning the gods' wrath. Few of the Achaeans returned safely to their homes and many founded colonies in distant shores. The Romans later traced their origin to Aeneas, one of the Trojans, who was said to have led the surviving Trojans to modern-day Italy. (wikipedia)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The myth of Pandora’s box is considered one of the most descriptive myths of human behavior in Greek mythology. Ancient Greeks used this myth not only to instruct themselves about the weaknesses of humans, but also to explain several misfortunes of the human race. Pandora was, according to the myth, the first woman on Earth. She was created by Gods; each one of them gave her a gift, thus, her name in Greek means “the one who bears all gifts”.Pandora was created as a punishment to the mankind; Zeus wanted to punish people because Prometheus stole the fire to give it to them. Her gifts were beautifully evil, according to Hesiod. Hephaestus created her from clay, shaping her perfectly, Aphrodite gave her femininity and Athena taught her crafts. Hermes was ordered by Zeus to teach her to be deceitful, stubborn and curious.In the God of War series,the most powerful weapon a mortal could wield, the Pandora's Box allowed even a mortal to have the power to slay a God. Kratos who faced the challenges of Pandora's Temple eventually obtains Pandora's Box however just as he does, he is killed by Ares and the box is stolen by Harpies. Kratos found himself in the cursed Underworld however unlike any other mortal, Kratos was determined to get out of Underworld which he did without much hassle. Kratos then made his way to Ares and when he finally did confront the God Of War, Kratos knocked Pandora's Box from Ares's grasp by using Zeus's Fury and immediately opened the box unleashing all of it's powers upon himself. This time the box allowed Kratos to stand toe-to-toe with Ares in both size and power. ( ) The myth of Pandora’s box has been fascinating people since ever, catching the imagination of countless artists, who created frescos, mosaics and sculptures depicting Pandora and the mythological elements. The myth itself though appears in many different versions; the most distinctive difference is that in some myths Hope does come out. The main purpose of the myth of Pandora though is to address the question of why evil exists in the world. Today the phrase "to open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem small or innocent, but that turns out to have severe and far-reaching consequences. But for Erros, the far-ranging, and sweeping consequences have been all for the better than for some beastly trivial pursuit. He was a budding young designer who found his niche in the fashion world by taking risks and non unlike Pandora, Erros was not afraid to open all avenues of possibilities whether it may seemed trivially inconsequential or it may be sweepingly significant ~ all for his love of creation.
Monday, September 23, 2013
“ We make war that we may live in peace!” is a famous saying of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle which Erros quoted when his “LEGENDS” collection was premiered fall of 2012, is also the driving force behind one of the most chronicled War in the annals of mankind ~ the War of the Titans. “In Greek Mythology the Titanomachy /ˌtaɪtəˈnɒməki/ or War of the Titans (Greek: Τιτανομαχία), was the ten-year series of battles which were fought in Thessaly between the two camps of deities long before the existence of mankind: the Titans, based on Mount Othrys, and the Olympians, who would come to reign on Mount Olympus. This Titanomachia is also known as the Battle of the Titans, Battle of Gods, or just The Titan War.” The Titans were a race of deities who ruled the world before the Gods came to existence. In Greek mythology, the Titans (Τιτάν) were a race of extremely powerful and physically huge deities that ruled the world during the legendary Golden Age of Mankind. They were the children of Gaia and Ouranos. There were 12 original Titans, the males being known as the Titans (Coeus, Crius, Cronos, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus) and the females as the Titanides (Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Theia, Themis and Thera). They were ruled by the youngest Titan, Cronos, who overthrew Ouranos with the aid of Gaia (who crafted his sickle) and his brothers (not Oceanus).
Later, several of the Titans also produced offspring which were also Titans. These Titans included the children of Hyperion (Selene), ( Eos), (Helios), the daughters of Coeus (Leto and Asteria), the sons of Iapetus (Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus, and Epimetheus) and the children of Crius (Astraios, Pallas and Perses). The Titans preceded the Olympians, who, led by Zeus, eventually overthrew them in the Titanomachy. The Titans were then imprisoned in Tartarus, the deepest and darkest pit of the Underworld. Only a few Titans (such as Prometheus and Oceanus) were spared that fate. Atlas, who led the Titans in the Titanomachy, was forced to hold the sky (Ouranos) upon his shoulders, fore the sky was greatly damaged in the war and couldn't support itself and also because of the death of the sky (Ouranus). The Titans believed that they had to win or the gods would make the mortals suffer, caring only for control and power. The Titans Prometheus, Helios, and his sisters joined the gods in the battle against the Titans, betraying their very own. The Titans were led by the great Atlas, who saved Cronos from being captured by Hades in an attempt to consume his soul. In Cronos’ place Atlas was captured, but the battle continued. Mountains were hurled like mere pebbles, and the ground shook from massive earthquakes. The war between the Titans and the gods forged the landscape of the mortal world. Eventually, Zeus created the Blade of Olympus, and used its immense magical power to send the Titans to the foulest pits of the Underworld – Tartarus. This ended the Great War, and the gods established their domain upon Mount Olympus, being worshiped by the mortals who begged for their mercy and guidance. The Golden Age had indeed ended. In Tartarus, the Titans would be tortured or trapped for all eternity (despite Cronos being the one who caused the great war). Cronos suffered the fate of wandering the Desert of Lost Souls with Pandora's Temple chained to his back until the strength of the whirling winds and sands ripped his flesh from his bones. Aegaeon was transformed into a living prison for oathbreakers by the Furies for breaking his oath to Zeus to fight alongside the Gods with the other Hecatonchires. The Titan Typhon was imprisoned within an enormous mountain. On the same mountain as Prometheus, because of betraying Zeus and giving the mortals the fires of Olympus, was forced to endure the pain of having his liver eaten everyday by a large eagle. (
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Prominently displayed on the commemorative coin of Greece's National Park is Mt. Olympus, purportedly the abode of the major and minor gods and goddesses of antediluvian Greek Mythology. Rightfully so, the reverse side of that coin painstakingly detailed the Clash of the Titans. This home of the Twelve Olympian gods was inhabited after the defeat of the Titans in the rancorous and spiteful Titan War. Mount Olympus was the home of the twelve Olympian gods, who held council there under the leadership of Zeus. They ate ambrosia and drank nectar at a table served by a variety of magical creatures, including the lesser gods and goddesses. You might regard these stories as mere fantasy, mere myth, but if you do, you will be missing out on a window into our cultural heritage and a grain of truth. We tend to regard mythology as a collection of fantasies, but myths are actually based upon fact. For example, the Biblical Flood of Noah has been regarded as myth and therefore not factual, but the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh records the same event because it really happened. Western societies are most familiar with the Greek myths, but all cultures have some form of mythology. Myths tend to feature supernatural heroes, interaction between humans and gods, and important events. They explain religious rituals, and they serve the purpose of preserving the history of a people and its culture. Myth is sacred narrative, but it is also history. At the peak of this highest mountain in Greece as featured in the God of War series perched the crystal mansion of the gods. Greek mythology also dictates that, when Gaia gave birth to the Titans, they used the highest mountains in Greece as their thrones, with Cronos sitting on Mount Olympus itself. After the Great Titanomachy, Olympus' Palace was constructed by the Cyclopes, the one-eyed giants who were freed by Zeus from the depths of Tartarus. In their gratitude, they gave Zeus his trademark thunderbolts. Hephaestus, the talented god of the smiths and the forge, created all the furnishings and artwork on Olympus, even making some of the chairs and tables able to move themselves in and out of the celestial hall. At the end of God of War II, Kratos can be seen climbing Mount Olympus with the Titans, and says he plans the destruction of Olympus and all the Olympians who stand in his way to get revenge. On Mount Olympus is the city of Olympia which is home to many mortals worshipping the great Olympians. This is also the place where Kratos killed Zeus and released Hope to mankind in the midst of Chaos. (God of
Sunday, July 14, 2013
…. And finally, Erros'legends'Collection will not be complete without its commander-in-chief ~ the head honcho, the ringleader and the conductor of this symphony of gods and goddesses himself ~ his eminence, Zeus ~ the king of the gods, ruler of Olympus (of which the Olympics are held in his honor) and the god of the sky and heavens. His symbols were the Thunderbolt, the Eagle, the Oak Tree and the Bull. Personality wise, he is is a benevolent and caring god who seeks to punish evildoers and oathbreakers. But this would later fall to his inwardly personality showing him as greedy, cowardly, power-hungry, selfish, corrupt and trechearous. These traits actually manifested from the evils that possessed him. Zeus, being the King of the Gods, possess invincibility, power projection, electric manipulation and the mastery over the thunderbolts. He also displayed the abilities of superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, speed in battle, teleport, regeneration, shapeshifting, and summoning. As a God, he possess immortality and flight, but is somehow vulnerable to the Blade of Olympus, his own weapon. In mortal appearance, Zeus is still exceptionally tall, muscular and somewhat youthful looking for his age, due to being a god. He had white hair even whilst a newborn child, continuing into early adulthood. His eyes have no pupils, being the same when he was in his early adulthood. It should be noted that, even though Zeus is the younger brother of Poseidon and Hades, he seems much older than the two. Given his ability to shape-shift, however, this could just be a matter of personal taste. In some sources, the regurgitating of Zeus' siblings is regarded as a rebirth of sorts, making Zeus both the youngest and oldest of his siblings. This, and the desire to command respect through age, could explain why he chooses to portray himself as older than his siblings. During the reign of the Titans, Chronos was told of a prophecy that after he had overthrown his father,Ouranus, he was destined to be overthrown by his children. To prevent this fate, the mighty titan swallowed his children, one by one. By the moment Zeus was born, Rhea devised a trick to save him by letting an eagle carry the baby Zeus to safety, while he was replaced by a stone wrapped cloth which Cronos devoured and mistakened it as his child. The eagle then carried the infant Zeus to the Primordial Gaia so that he would be raised and blessed with the strength to stand up against his father. After freeing his brothers and sisters, Zeus declared war on the Titans, consumed with feelings of revenge. Betraying Gaia, the very Primordial who had raised him, he waged war on all the Titans for the sins of only one. The new rulers of the world, the Gods, calling themselves Olympians, fought against their predecessors with great ferocity and power. The battle between the Olympians and the Titans formed the landscape of the mortal world, shaking the earth with massive earthquakes and crumbling mountains. (
Thursday, June 6, 2013
“At midnight on New Year's Eve, a passenger ship, on her way to the scrap yard is pushed to her limits by the new owners to save on the dismantling fees. A tidal wave hits her, flipping her over so that all the internal rooms are upside down. A priest takes a mixed band of survivors on a journey through the bowels of the ship in an attempt to survive.” This Hollywood script and subsequently the movie( The Poseidon Adventure) was one of 20th Century Fox's blockbuster 'disaster' hits in the early '70's, triggering two sequels and purportedly the inspiration of the top grossing movie of all time – the“Titanic.” When asked who is Poseidon, the captain of the ill fated ship replied, “ He is an ill tempered god of the sea, of storms, tempests, earthquakes and other miscellaneous natural disasters.” True enough, Poseidon or Neptune, was described by ancient mythology as was powerful, decisive, competitive, and dignified. It was very important to stay on his "good side", for he was also moody and irascible, quick to take offense, and made a hobby out of taking his revenge out on those who angered him. Poseidon is a god of many names. He is most famous as the god of the sea. The son of Cronus and Rhea, Poseidon is one of six siblings who eventually "divided the power of the world." His brothersand sisters include: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Zeus. The division of the universe involved him and his brothers, Zeus and Hades. Poseidon became ruler of the sea, Zeus ruled the sky, and Hades got the underworld. The other divinities attributed to Poseidon involve the god of earthquakes and the god of horses. The symbols associated with Poseidon include: dolphins, tridents, and three-pronged fish spears. He was relied upon by sailors for a safe voyage on the sea. Many men drowned horses in sacrifice of his honor. He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and gems, and drove a chariot pulled by horses. However, Poseidon was a very moody divinity, and his temperament could sometimes result in violence. When he was in a good mood, Poseidon created new lands in the water and a calm sea. In contrast, when he was in a bad mood, Poseidon would strike the ground with a trident and cause unruly springs and earthquakes, ship wrecks, and drownings. In God of War III, Poseidon uses a giant crustacean trident during his battle with Kratos. He uses the weapon to control the Hippocampi, commanding them to attack Gaia and Kratos. He's also able summon blue lightning with the trident, both long range as short range as he uses it to strike Kratos with the electricity while he's on Gaia's head and to electrocute him and Gaia's hand when he's grabbed. The Trident was destroyed when Poseidon was pulled out of his giant watery form.(,,
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Umbrakinesis ~ the ability to project and manipulate/shape darkness and dark energy at will is an effective and attributed if not the sole power of the major gods of Mt. Olympus. This power to manipulate shadow and darkness has never been more apparent and often use than the god of the Underworld himself ~ HADES. It's been espied that he could breath dark energy from his mouth to scare silly and terrify to death whoever is in front of him. Like all other gods, Hades is immortal and could not be slain by mortal means. As a god, Hades has super strength, his strength is incredible, able to overpower titans with ease.He could also shapeshift, eventually growing to the size of a giant. Aside from regenerative powers, this god has telekinetic and pyrokenitic abilities, capable of launching fireballs, his realm would ignite with a burning inferno. In God of War series, unlike his brother Zeus and many of the other Gods of the series, Hades is mostly unconcerned with the affairs of the mortal realm, preferring to focus his energies on the Underworld. He is, however, quick to anger if someone crosses him or his family, which makes him an enemy of Kratos. As Kratos is traveling through his palace, Hades comments that there is bad blood between them, as Kratos had murdered his niece (Athena) and his brother (Poseidon), which cannot go unpunished. He also appeared to have deeply cared for Persephone, despite her words and treachery. Indeed, he has restored her remains and created a massive memorial to her. He doesn't, however, comment on the loss of his nephew Ares, indicating that Hades, much like the other gods, did not care much for Ares. This means that, surprisingly, Hades cared for his family. Hades has a sinister and sadistic, mock-playful humor, evident in the way he taunts and intimidates Kratos throughout the Underworld. This is similar to the mythological Hades, who often gave out ironic punishments to particularly unfortunate souls. He also appears to be a masochist, as even when Kratos beats him senseless, he claims to enjoy the pain. ( God of War: his grim character, Hades was known to be a just God. Hades also played the role of a good counselor who helped those who died, to make a successful journey into the afterlife. His grave demeanor justifies his solemn responsibility of preventing the dead from escaping back to the Earth, thereby maintaining a balance between the world of the living and the dead.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
“Adultery, they say, takes two guilty parties, but sometimes, especially when the male is a world leader, it would take superhuman will power, strength, or both to sidestep his advances. And when he's Zeus, the King of the Gods, it may not even be possible.” This is a great dilemma for Hera, the Queen of the Gods, and purportedly the goddess of marriage and protector of women. As Zeus' wife and queen, Hera was frequently enraged by her husband's constant adulterous escapades, and she often went out of her way to punish his mistresses and illegitimate children. She had a particular hatred of Hercules, and famously orchestrated most of the hardships and tragic events of his life, including his famous Twelve Labors. But it was Hera's uncommon beauty that attracted the attention of her future husband, the lusty Zeus, who tricked her into taking him to her breast by changing himself into a small, frightened and wounded bird that elicited her pity. In Greek mythology Hera, although wounded, remained faithful and steadfast in her loyalty to Zeus, electing instead to vent her fury on “the other women” rather than Zeus himself even though it was Zeus who had deceived, seduced or raped these innocent women. Portrayed as majestic and solemn, often enthroned, and crowned with the 'polos'(a high cylindrical crown worn by several of the great goddesses, Hera may bear a pomegranate in her hand, emblem of fertile blood because Hera was also the goddess patron of childbirth and death and a substitute for the narcotic capsule of the opium poppy. The cuckoo, another Hera emblem, symbolized Zeus' love for her because Zeus was disguised in a cuckoo when he conquered her. Some of the most known Hera's symbols are the peacock- ancient symbol of immortality, the scepter and the diadem( In the God of War series, Hera has a necklace with an emerald pendant. Kratos finds it by putting together a puzzle of stone blocks in a cave upon the Cliffs of madness. This necklace, along with the necklace of Aphrodite are two items Kratos needs in order to reach the Architect's tomb and continue his path to Pandora box. When obtained, the necklace must be placed on the stone bust of the goddess herself. Hera's Chalice is an ornate silver cup, with elaborate handles on either side, a stemmed base, and a green jewel set near its lip. Hera is seen drinking from it when Kratos confronts her in the Forum, and throws it away in frustration while he approaches her in the Gardens. Using this Chalice during bonus play will continuously drain the health bar, without fully depleting it. As with all Possessions, it disables trophies when activated. The nature of the Chalice when used in Bonus Play may be a reference to it always having some beverage in the cup, without completely emptying it.( Categorically, more than any of the Greek goddesses, the goddess Hera reminds us that there is both light and dark withing each of us and the joy and pain are inextricably linked in life. The Greek goddess Hera represents the fullness of life and affirms that we can use our own wisdom in the pursuit of any goal we choose.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“ I have taught you many ways to kill a mortal, Kratos. Flesh that burns, bones that break. But to break a man's spirit, is to truly destroy him. “ - Ares, {God of War Wiki -Ascension}----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From time immemorial, the human race has had a fascination with violence and of war in particular, an occurence which unquestionably excite people in a very primal level. And when we talk about someone who regard violence and slaughter as necessary for day to day enjoyment we most often refer to the top notch bloodlust ~ ARES,the god of war, who happens to be one of the major gods residing on Mt. Olympus. Butchery, brutal destructiveness, hatred and promiscuity were the main facets of this god's personality. Extremely goal-oriented, focused and passionate while also being aggressive and forceful at the same time, Ares is the embodiment of masculine aggression, he is the force that drive wars and denotes all the malevolent forces that war comprises.
Here's a glance into the controversial life of the Greek God of Warfare :
#Ares, known as the Greek God of war, is one of the twelve Olympians residing on Mount Olympus. According to Greek mythology, there are two gods of war, one symbolizing the benevolent aspects while the other symbolizing the malevolent ones. So, while Athena is the goddess of the art of warfare, skill, strategy, courage and above all, wisdom, Ares is more specifically, the God of warlike frenzy, hostility and mercilessness. In short, Ares stands for every negativity that relates to war. (
Because Ares stood for violence and terror, he became a god who had lesser followers as compared to the others belonging to the pantheon. However, the god seemed to have developed certain niches for himself as far as his worship and rituals were concerned. Occasionally, troops going to war happened to worship the lord. Sometimes, there used to be shrines dedicated to Ares on military campsites. But this was not always the case as people seemed to prefer Athena to Ares for her more balanced and positive symbolism. Though in many respects, Ares signifies how not to live, one has to accept that it is not easy to swim against the tide. This is precisely one quality that can be taken in a positive way and learned from his character. He thus not only stands for freedom, as mentioned above, but also for courage and boldness. (

Thursday, February 7, 2013
The 5th of June, last year ushered in a rare astronomical event, an occurrence they called ' the elegant dance with the stars' ~ well actually alluding to a planet and the sun of our own solar system. And scientists called it 'the transit of Venus' ~ a phenomenon that won't occur again until 2117. Sky watchers around the world readied their telescopes and grabbed their solar shades as as for nearly 7 hours Venus moved between Earth and its closest star, our Sun , making it appear to be punctured by a small black dot. Certainly, this planet knows how to make a grand entrance and why would she shouldn't be, when she herself was named after a bigwig among the gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus. Venus or Aphrodite in Greek mythology is the goddess of Love and Beauty. Being extraordinarily beautiful, she is the epitome of female pulchritude, and one of the most aesthetically perfect female beings in existence. ' She possesses the conventional powers of the Olympian gods and also has certain magical abilities to fly at great speed, change her form to appear as someone else and render herself and other beings invisible from mortal eyesight( as when she rescued Paris from defeat in battle with Menelaus during the Trojan war). As the goddess of love, Venus has the mystical ability to arouse love and passion in others and transform weapons into object of peace. Her enchanted girdle, called the Cestus and made by smith-god Hephaestus(she was wedded once to him), also allows its wearer to ensorcel anyone with the power of Love'. ( In God of War 1, Aphrodite(Venus) appeared in the first game in the city of Athens, presenting one of the tasks Kratos must pass: killing Medusa by decapitating her, and using her gaze as a weapon. Once the task is complete, Kratos is allowed to pass onward. In God of War III, she was seen in her bed, making love with her hand maidens, but when she sees Kratos, she tells them to leave. She attempts to seduce Kratos, telling him, "Even though you are no longer the God of War, you can still share my bed." But Kratos was not amused. Annoyed, she reveals how she yearns for a "real man" to meet her. ( Definitely, Erros' interpretation of this goddess of allurement exudes fascinating comeliness, shapeliness and symmetry ~ a perfectly proportioned woman which possesses no flaw whatsoever, yet cunningly smart enough to master the science of physical and of emotional love.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Call it melodramatic or yet startlingly histrionic but for Erros, the obsidian eventide on 12.21.12 was certainly a spine-tingling and absolutely querulous late evening of what most people randomly perceived to be the end of mother earth's civilization. Even as the crew were hurriedly hauling in tons of metals in bags and boxes of battle gears, helmets and armors( to the runway's backstage) of what is believed to be his most important collection to date, and as his choice models started coming in to start the long process of last minute fittings, make up and hair mending, this masterly and accomplished designer still feels franticly edgy and uprightly fretful of what's going to unfold the rest of this compelling evening. What added to the anxiety was that most show goers came in late, probably hesitant to get out of their homes anticipating a catastrophic end of the day, but when they started coming in, they came in droves ~ causing a snag jam at the bar's box office, which eventually the bar management had to regrettably intervened and a lot more had to be turned down as every inch of the watering hole's capacity were filled to the brim. And as much as Erros tried to organize every aspect of this runway/show's production, initially, everything seems in total chaos - billowing skivvies and corsets, misplaced frills and trimmings or ill-fitting wing-tips and loafers, and even dire last minute changes on the models' order of appearances.. Astonishingly in the end, and rip-roaring minutes before the curtain dropped before the strike of twelve,everything throw in together like pods of an unerring pea ...and as they say.. the rest is Erros' history.!!!!..................................................................................................................................................................................” A pleasant evening to all of you...and I would like to thank you all for being here with me tonight, as we celebrate the unveiling of my newest collection, we fondly called “ The Legends” collection. And as you all know, today marks the beginning of a new Mayan calendar, of which many soothsayers on earth predicted to be the end of the world, but many wise men also said to be an era of hope,- a new beginning, and just like New Year's Day – should be celebrated with joyful anticipation. But isn't it ironic for me to celebrate this glorious day with a collection about war – and the beauty of war in particular. Well, as Aristotle, the great philosopher once said “ We make war that we may live in peace.” and the only way to escape war is to be in it!! I therefore leave it up to you, my dear audience to decide amongst yourself if I have given justice to this parody as I present to you the first part of my latest work----->” Legends: the Battleground!!!!”
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