Thursday, June 3, 2010

ERROS'pulp'COLLECTION made public soon!!!!

A self-confessed avid supporter of global green politics, Erros was compelled to dig deep into his roots to come up with a homage to the just concluded successful staging of the 40th Earth Day Anniversary ( 4/22/ 2010). Inspirited by a collage of pictures sent to him by a dear friend's recent trip to Disney's Animal Kingdom at Orlando, Florida, he got passionately steamed up to cunningly deliver a collection which would ultimately be the chef-d'oeuvre for this year's search for his 10 men of erros. The famed theme park's iconic centerpiece, the Tree of Life, with a swirling tapestry of 325 animals carved around into its massive 50-foot wide bark, gave him a surprising look into the animal kingdom's subservience to mother nature...Aptly dubbed "PULP"collection, this assemblage gave Erros a chance to recollect and reminisce his love affair with paper, (pulp -the flesh of plant and fibrous material used to make paper ) and his crafty deftness in ' papier mache '. Painstakingly ricked by hand and molded to conform an intricate design, he ingeniously writhed, wrenched and wriggled each material (as if simulating nature's fabrication and assembly of each and every  root and branch of a tree ) to shrewdly spawn a headdress or a habiliment. Unquestionably, with a collection a staunch environmentalist would absolutely concur, the fashion industry will be waiting with baited breath to see what fantastic creation Erros has in store before this scorching summer ends.

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